New procedures

image of the reception of Clinique Podiatrique de Laval



Following an extended closing period, the Laval Podiatric Clinic will reopen on June 1st and resume its usual activities (regular meetings). Until June 1st, we will remain available for emergencies.


However, considering the current state of events, the clinic will be forced to change some of its habits. We will be obligated to restrict the number of patients per day in order to respect the rules of social distancing. This is why we appeal to your understanding and your indulgence.


? In addition, hygiene has always been important to us, know that our hygiene procedures will be further strengthened and more meticulous than before. Here are the procedures that we will not overlook:


➙ A hand sanitizer station at the entrance to the clinic

➙ A plexiglass to protect our secretaries

➙ Placement of the patient in the treatment room as soon as they arrive in order to avoid interactions with others

➙ Disinfection of door handles between each patient.

➙ Strict control over the interactions between patients and employees at the reception.


For your part, we ask you to be cooperative while respecting the following measures:


➙ Arrive on time for your appointment, thus avoiding being too early, otherwise please wait outside the clinic

➙ Wearing a mask is compulsory

➙ You are welcome to come alone to your appointment

➙ Payment by card is recommended


? If you have symptoms or have been in contact with a person showing symptoms, please postpone your appointment. ?



Laval Podiatric Clinic

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