Everything you should know about foot warts

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Foot warts are a very common condition, particularly in children and adolescents. Did you know that it is estimated that 25% of the population suffers from foot warts at some time during their life? And do you know how foot warts are identified and how to avoid them? Learn more about these growths in this article.


First of all, what is a foot wart?


Warts are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus (HPV), which contaminates certain cells in the body. Being a virus, foot warts are very contagious and spread rapidly from one person to another, so it is important to act quickly when you suspect you have a wart. In most cases, the warts that develop on feet are flat and hard.

In addition to them being very contagious, they may make walking and physical exercise painful. However, it is important to know the difference between a wart and a foot corn which have similar features. Read our other article to learn more about foot corns.


Do you know how foot warts are transmitted?


As we explained above, foot warts are caused by a virus and therefore easily spread from one person to another. The wart may remain “dormant”, that is to say invisible to the eye, for months after initial contact. It may also disappear without treatment and reappear some time later.

The HPV virus is mainly found in warm damp environments in which a majority of children and adolescents can be found. For example, swimming pools, youth sports centers, public showers… Fortunately, we have some precautionary advice to avoid being afflicted by foot warts.


How to reduce your risk of developing foot warts


  • Avoid walking bare foot in damp, public places like swimming pools, showers or water parks;
  • Opt for cotton socks and make sure to change them regularly;
  • Be particularly careful if you have a cut or scratch on your foot—you will be more likely to pick up the virus;
  • If you or someone close to you has a foot wart, cover it with a bandage in order to avoid spreading the virus;
  • Inspect your feet regularly in order to prevent foot warts from developing.


What can my podiatrist do if I have a foot wart?


The podiatrist will simply target a suitable treatment for your foot wart and prescribe it. Obviously, the earlier you consult a podiatrist, the better and more efficient the foot wart treatment will be, and you will therefore avoid any risk of contagion. Therefore, if in doubt, do not delay; consult your podiatrist.

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